Most of the stuff you see I carved out of EPS foam which was then painted. I added moss and other stuff for a bit of creep. Turned out nice, yes?
The cobblestone roads were actually really easy. I have a hotwire tool that made it so I could basically draw the shapes I wanted in the foam.
The boys helped me with the mountains. I have a different hotwire tool that makes carving really easy.
If any of you would like me to make you something, let me know. It's a lot of fun and could be the start of a great hobby.
Dam Steve! I am impressed. I knew you had skill, but I didn't think you were that good. Ha ha!
IMPRESSIVE! Halloween is our fav too! We don't have anything near that cool though :)! Tell Neisha I said HI!
Is this for real? Did you really make this out of some kind of foamy stuff? I'm astounded! Would you come over and decorate my son's birthday cake? Or decorate my house? or something?
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